All student fees and other costs are held in a trust account that is operated by public trust (The Public Trust of New Zealand was a government-appointed corporation sole providing trustee services and is a Crown entity established under the Public Trust Act 2001). The student fees are released periodically in arrears on a pro rata basis in relation to the tuition delivered.
ACMI has a refund policy that meets the requirements of the Education Act 1989 (s.235A) and NZQA policies.
Students who withdraw from a programme within the first ten working days after the date when attendance is required, are eligible to a refund of all funds paid with a deduction up to 25% to cover the costs incurred by ACMI in accepting the enrolment. This also applies to students who withdraw before the programme commences. ACMI must be able to justify the deduction and the student has the right to lodge a complaint with NZQA if they believe the amount deducted is not justified.
Students who withdraw from a programme within five days after the date when attendance is required, are eligible to a refund of at least 75% of all funds paid. This also applies to students who withdraw before the programme commences. ACMI must be able to justify the deduction and the student has the right to lodge a complaint with NZQA if they believe the amount deducted is not justified.
Students who withdraw within the second day of the programme commencing are eligible to receive a refund of at least 50% of all funds paid. ACMI must be able to justify the deduction and the student has the right to lodge a complaint with NZQA if they believe the amount deducted is not justified.
If a student is not in a position to attend classes on the first day that attendance is required (as per the date mentioned on the formal “Offer of Place”), then the student is required to notify ACMI in writing or by email with an explanation for the reason and requesting a deferral of start date. ACMI will consider the student’s request and a decision will be made depending on the explanation given.
Withdrawal applications need to be made directly to ACMI in writing and must be signed by the student, not by an agent of the student. Applications for refunds received after the first ten days of the start of the course are not eligible for any refund and will only be considered by the Managing Director of ACMI in extraordinary circumstances.